Bez kategoriiWeb Push notifications in recruitment - ways to use.

What are Web Push notifications?

A lot of well-known online stores already use web push notifications. While browsing their websites, you may encounter a communicate: ‘Do you wish to receive latest information? Turn on notifications. YES?NO’. If you click ‘yes’, small rectangular frames with information in the form of a system message will start popping up on your screen (if a website uses web push notifications, of course). Thanks to these, you as a user will be able to get live access to updates within a given website while the owner of the site will get the possibility to communicate directly with you.

From a recruitment department’s (or talent acquisition) perspective – you may efficiently engage potential Candidates with individually matched content. What is the most important aspect – you will maintain access to the candidates, even when they already left your dedicated career page.


How efficient are web push notifications compared to other marketing tools?

Before considering web push notifications as a new tool in our box, we must remember about one important thing – the tool itself will not generate more traffic to our website, it will, however significantly increase the conversion rate of possible candidates (those only visiting your website vs those who actually decide to upload their CV).

The efficiency of notification is very high. The click rate of well-known digital marketing tools ranges from 0,2 to 4,1%, where ad banners have the lowest click rate while well designed email marketing or mobile marketing will have a very high percentage of conversions.

What’s the number for puch notification then? We may only say from our own experiences’ perspective. And the average click rate is as high as 19,8%.


How is this efficiency achieved?

Why is it so? There are at least a few reasons. Yet, the key seems to be the possibility to send potential Candidates a communicate without the need to collect their email addresses or phone numbers. If we again attempt to shortly explain what a push notification is, the answer will be: something between a newsletter and retargetting. No need to go through the complex chain of consent forms enables for increased number of users who decide to use notifications. Based on the hitherto campaigns, the rate was around 12%.

What else? What makes the tool worth our attention? Web push notifications allow for forgetting about AdBlocka and anti-spam filters!


How to use this tool in recruitment?

  1. Collect user/potential candidates’ data from your career-dedicated website or page
  2. Sending welcome messages – e.g. redirecting to ‘news’ section on the ‘career’ tab

Sample action with the use of push notifications:

– the user paid interest to the given job posting and started the application process, yet was unable to finish it due to unknown reasons => sending a notification: Your are just a step away from a massive career change. You can finish your application here. URL: application form

– the user filled in majority of required data in the application form, however abandoned the application and 24 hours passed after that => sending a notification: Your application for the position ‘xxxxxxx’ will no longer be valid. Please finish your application now.

– the user has spent X minutes on viewing offer A (where X is significantly more than the average time spent on a single job posting) => send notification: Do you need additional information on the job in Sales Department of Company X? Get familiar with your potential new team. URL: page with a description of work in sales department that conains an interactive element, e.g. recruitment video showing benefits of work in sales department of Company X

– the user has spent X amount of time on our page and had never come back for the previous 7 days | + we know that there’s a brand new distribution project which brings a whole bunch of new job vacancies in the organization => send notification: We have just started recruiting employees to the new team that will be responsible for introducing a new innovatine brand to the market. Check all available positions in Company X.

Mateusz Wójtowicz

Mateusz Wójtowicz