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EB Audit

Authentic and engaging Employer Brand is key to attract and retain talent within your organization. What a cliché. Everyone knows that. Less obvious, however, is the road to develop your Employer Brand properly. How to even start?

It is crucial to properly assess the position we are currently in. This is where Tailored Employer Brand Audit comes handy

It allows for a step forward in a few basic aspects. You can find out e.g. how your brand is perceived, what’s its recognition among Candidates you reach. The data you receive from us will help prioritize actions and will serve as reference point in calculating ROI on future Employer Branding investments.


of companies are certain that their Employer Brand has significant impact on their talent-hiring ability.


less costs per Candidate aquisition is the number for everyone with a stron Employer Brand


What exactly is examined?


Before providing you with solutions and strategic recommendations after the Employer Brand audit, our researchers integrate data from several sources. Starting from external audit and accessing data within your organization, we then move towards the outbound perspective in order to get answers to some key questions:

  • what do your desired Candidates expect (specialization, experience, location data?) – based on the insights and data gathered throughout the years of operation of our recruitment agency
  • how does your company fulfill the above expectations, compared to your competition?
  • what channels (social media, etc.) or content type (videos, infographics) is used by your competition and not by yourself?
  • what don’t they do, but you could, in order to get ahead?
  • how good is your brand’s presence level in digital channels?

These are only exapmples. Audit results indicate clear solutions, provide straightforward answers to complex problems suggested at the beginning.

how does it all work?

In each case, the choice of indicators and examined fields is determined by particular goals for your organization which the audit should help to achieve. Therefore, the whole process starts with a meeting with You.



We start with a meeting. We determine what sort of data and from which inbound and outbound sources will be used. We also set the way of presenting analyses outcome.



This is by far and independent audit – your engagement is needed only at the stage where you provide us with outbound sources of data. Each week we report on progress of the works.



We do not only present raw facts and figures. We connect the dots, draw conclusions and come up with recommendations.



We repeat the research in order to see the outcome of our actions and, if it’s positive – we enhance these actions and when negative – take corrective ones.

Examples of researched fields

Brand Awareness

Social Media Activity

Brand in the Web

Employee Advocacy

Recruitment/Employment Processes

Recruitment Marketing

Competitive Analysis

Applicant’s Experience



Particular Strategic Recommendations

let’s talk about your challenges


Is this a proper solution for my company?

The above are only some of the fields we may take into consideration. Throughout all previous experiences, we have developed several hundred indicators which enable for tailoring the scope of research to answer your questions. It is certain that a smaller company will benefit from the audit on a lower scale.

A comprehensive audit can be launched for companies with 100+ employees. The reason for it is simple – we need enough data to draw accurate recommendations. In terms of smaller organizations, the scope of our actions may be limited.

For smaller companies we have developed alternative solutions.

At the end of the day, what can audit give me?

You can look at your company with the eyes of the Candidates you reach.

How much is it?

The price depends on the size of your company, which also determines the complexity of data to be analyzed.

To be clear – we are not a research company. We are practitioners with pragmatic business approach.

Let’s talk. Surely, we will find a decent solution for you.

Is acquiring data automated for devire.digital ?

The idea of Tailored Employer Brand Audit is to rely on data analyzed by Team devire.digital. We shall realize that a lot of information will have qualitative character. The necessity to connects the facts, examine relations, interpret the results and knowledge of a given field of the job market make the human factor essential.

Our strength is in understanding digital marketing world, hence a big portion of data is acquired with the use of advanced analytical tools.

Can you compare us with our competition?

We never start operating without such data, in the first place. Great knowledge of the surrounding environment allows us to choose the right things – those which appeal to the candidates, and guarantee your uniqueness.

If you’re copying your competitors’ actions, then you will most likely get similar or same results as them. We are aware of that and hence give out advise how to manage the process.

EB Trends

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